Atlanta Claims Association's Workers' Compensation On Demand Seminars

By March 8, 2009 Articles

Greg Presmanes, the head of our Workers' Compensation department, as Chairman of the Atlanta Claims Association's Workers' Compensation Section, has developed a series of seminars to be held on demand at the member's place of business. The program has been approved by the Georgia Insurance Commission for Continuing Education Credit. Members can select one hour blocks of instruction from 16 topics, in any combination, to be taught on demand by their choice of volunteer defense attorneys who are pre-approved by the Georgia Insurance Commission. The Ethics topic is available in a one hour block, but is also available in a 3 hour block to satisfy the yearly ethics requirement for continuing education credit. Please call Greg or his assistant, Imogene Robbins, at 770 391 9100, to schedule Workers' Comp On Demand seminars.