Medical Malpractice
Bovis, Kyle, Burch & Medlin attorneys represent hospitals, physicians, physician extenders, nurses, and therapists in lawsuits alleging professional negligence. Obtained from years of extensive experience representing medical professionals in all specialties, our attorneys boast an acquired knowledge of medicine. The familiarity with medical terminology and principles provides a compelling advantage, both in the courtroom and during expert depositions, which are particularly critical in medical malpractice litigation. In addition to this acquired knowledge of medicine, our attorneys are well networked with medical professionals in a way that enables efficient and effective identification and retention of appropriate expert consultants. We recognize that medical malpractice allegations present more than a risk of monetary damages exposure and work with equal zeal to protect the practitioner from adverse reporting ramifications as well.
In addition to defending medical malpractice lawsuits, our attorneys assist practitioners in administrative actions before medical, nursing, and other professional licensing boards. We also assist hospitals in responding to administrative actions ranging from Joint Commission investigations to EMTALA and HIPAA complaints.